Friday, September 2, 2011


I realize I already posted a blog entry today... but each minute is a new experience and I feel the need to share. Blog entries may slow down later, but for now I want to get it all out in words.

Today was a huge big hectic mess. We were awoken at 7am by Senora Felicidad who was convinced we had class at 9 and needed her to bring us to the IES Abroad center. Both were incorrect. But we ate breakfast with her and then lazed around until we had to get to orientation. From there on out it has been the most stressful day. First of all, the hike to the IES center, and basically where all my classes are, is about a 45 minute walk. I kid you not. Looks like I'm spending all my money on the metro this semester (Yes, I'm lazy). But of course, because it was just Katherine and I, we managed to get lost trying to find the place. OF COURSE. I was over an hour late for my orientation meeting... no big deal.

Afterwards, I had a few hours to kill before Katherine and our friend Erin got out of their orientation, so I decided to explore on my own for a while. I bought a frosty coffee beverage and found a park to read my book in... pleasant yes? Wrong. I was bombarded by a man who believed we were soul mates because the bible said so. Luckily I was only a few minutes from the IES center, so I hurried my butt back there and spent the rest of the two hours reading in the computer lab. Pathetic. Looks like I'm not allowed out by myself anymore.

When I met my lady friends, we ended up finding a few more creepily familiar Facebook friends, and we wandered the shops to find a place for lunch. Shout out to Minerva, shops here are stocked with Pink Elephants. You know what you're getting as a present! We got lunch at a small sandwich place and told funny stories about our Barca experiences thus far. Nice group of girls... I hope to see more of them.

THEN we had a second orientation in which police officers and IES faculty made us all cry with horror stories of robbers, stabbings, ruffie-ings, and identity theft. Awesome. If it makes anyone feel any better, I'm pretty sure I could be a great thief after hearing the intricacies of these people's plans. So many ways to get robbed here. They claim Barcelona is a safe and peaceful city though... seems like they are lying about one or the other.

Oh, and THEN... Katherine and I went on an expedition for cell phones. The place we thought would be a great deal ended up being the most expensive plan we've heard of all day. So we are going to have to spend yet another day using our unreliable wifi as means of communication with anyone. We need phones bad. Its sad how reliant one can be on a little piece of plastic.

Ok. We are going to shower and try to get out to the first bar of the semester. Drinking age is 18 here, no one can complain. I'll be safe I promise (to those of you who are worried). Love you love you love you love you so anyone who has the endurance to read all of this.

Oh, and of course I didn't forget... Mathew, How was your day? I'm so proud of you for wanted to do the Peace Corps... study hard and make it a reality! Its your perfect fit :)

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