Sunday, October 9, 2011


Sensation has finally come and gone, but not without thoroughly taking everyone for a ride. I had to steal some pictures from random people on Facebook, because unfortunately, the fact that I have no camera wins again..

There are a few simple rules to getting into Sensation, they will search your bag and you must be wearing white. If you are not wearing white, you will be told to please go purchase a white Sensation shirt for 60 Euros in order to see the show. They were strict. I kept seeing kids wearing the same "This is a white t-shirt" shirt all over the place. Also, they make you exchange your money into "Senses"... for what reason? To confuse the drunks and make everyone's lives harder.

My friends and I all bought cheap white dresses for the show. The one I got I will probably never wear again. It's cute but only to a certain point... in the words of Casey, its the two things you never want out of your clothing... tight, and white. Woof. I should have just gone naked. I'm pale enough.

The show was unreal though, to say the least. It was at the Olympic stadium in Barcelona, a huge indoor arena big enough to hold 40,000 people (it was packed full). The same stadium in fact, that held the 1992 Olympics which gave Barcelona the economic boost it needed to become a fully metropolitan city. If I had chosen to study abroad 20 years ago, at the ripe age on one, Barcelona would not have even been an option. It apparently was a completely different city, sadly with no money. Thanks Olympics!

I digress. The show was unbelievable. Forty thousand people, three gigantic flowers in the middle of the floor that spouted water/colors/lights, the middle and largest of the three held the performers DJ stations, as well as the multiple stages for dancers and acrobats (yikes!). From the ceiling there were about 100 giant color changing orbs that floated up and down with the music, along with a light show of lasers and colors that made you feel like you were dreaming. Of course the music was just techno dance house music performed by DJs I had never heard of, but they did an incredible job making me want to dance until 5am. Literally. It went from 10pm to 5am. This explains why I slept until 4 today.

But that's just the show. When it got out, it was of course, 5am. And the Olympic stadium is about a 20 minute drive from the center of the city, where we live. These two circumstances made finding a cab nearly impossible. Also the fact that everyone and their mother was trying to get a cab ride home from Sensation as well. We walked. We made it to a hotel close to the harbor who refused to call us a cab because there simply were none, gave us a map, and told us where we could walk to the metro. Of course though, in a sleepless delirium, we managed to get lost even with a map. We hiked around the port area for an hour in tiny little dresses in the freezing cold. Eventually we made it to civilization and hailed a cab to warmth and safety. I had never been so happy to be in a cab.

Today, obviously, should have been a day for rest. BUT Feli woke us up earlier telling us the cleaning lady would be here today instead of her usual monday because she was going on vacation, so we were being kicked out of our room. We had to first clean our room and remove everything off the desk, the nightstand, and the shelves so she could clean. Excuse me?
 This is a weekly thing. We literally have to pack up everything we own like we're moving out so the cleaning lady can DUST. It makes it feel like we don't even live here. The worst part is, if you leave anything out in the open, she hurls it into the closet or shoves it in a random drawer so it's impossible to find later on. We moved into the living room, where after 4 minutes my computer died so I resorted to sitting and staring at a wall. Then, because of course our room was not first to be cleaned, we were kicked out of the living room too so she could mop. We moved to the kitchen, because Feli was taking the sheets off of our beds and we felt unwelcome in our room. We sat there silently, while Feli came in to make remarks about how dirty our room is, god forbid we left a coffee cup on the nightstand and there was a pen mark on one of the sheets. Really welcoming. Cleaning day makes me realize just how awkward being in a home stay is...

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