Thursday, September 8, 2011


For the record, I'm sure people from other European countries are plenty nice... but this was not my experience today in class. I will leave it at that. Bad day at Universidad Autonoma. 

As for the rest of my day. Fantastic. I went to the mall with Jane and Katherine. Sounds boring, but I promise you it was not. The building used to be an old bull fighting arena. Now it is a mall. But if you go to the top floor, you can stand outside and look over the city. Jane timed it perfectly so we managed to catch it as the sun was setting. Beautiful. We also saw a beautiful museum close to the mall. I'm embarrassed for not knowing the name of it... but it was a big castle on top of a hill. At night apparently they have a light show with the fountains in front of the castle, but of course we were not there for that. We just explored the grounds and gardens surrounding the castle (too cheap for the museum haha).

(Self timed photo, museum/castle, bull fighting arena/mall)

We stopped to buy magnets (for 1 euro) from a man on the street near the museum, but a cop came by and flashed his badge. The man hid all of his goods in a tree close by (hahaha), but we still proceeded to buy the magnets. In our defense, they were really cool magnets. And worth it.The only thing I bought all day was a 1 euro magnet, candy (duh), and a bottle of wine for 2 euros. Living the life, I must say. Also, the first touristy thing I've done since I've been here! Visiting the museum that is. Besides being an American and not speaking Spanish... those are givens.

We went out tonight. Thursday night. Went to a bar that was promoted to be free entry. If by free they meant sneak in for free, then yes, they were telling the truth. Otherwise they lied. Probably a bad idea to go out, seeing as I have orientation for UPF tomorrow at 9am... but its all I have to do tomorrow, and I'm only in Spain once. I plan on napping and enjoying my weekend to the fullest. We have plans to go to the beach AND visit the museum of Salvador Dali. I can't wait.

I miss home a lot. This is a hint to you all to send me pictures and such of home (yoggies most importantly) and possibly contact me. I know I'm hard to reach. I'm making an effort to stay in contact. Use that Google Voice! And Skype! Mama and Papa bear, lets see that webcam! Lord knows I need to see some US of A!

Also, HELLO Mathew and Minerva! I miss you both so much, I can't wait to see you in four months!! :)

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