Sunday, September 11, 2011

Better days.

Feeling much better than yesterday. Katherine told me about a book she read by a famous (?) monk, in which he wrote about accepting sadness, and she explained to me that I had to acknowledge it, accept it, and tell myself that I was there for well, myself. Kindof a lonely idea, but it seemed to help.

Today, as you all know was 9/11... but it also was the Catalan Pride holiday as well. We were advised to be cautious because crowds of Catalans who already hate Americans may do something drastic. Katherine and I took this as a reason to stay in today. Lame, yes. But today also brought some good news, which must have helped me feel better as well. I learned that I do in fact come home on December 17th, and I don't have to find housing for an extra week in order to take exams. All of my classes finish before the 17th. Thank God. That was one stress I did not need. Katherine and I also booked our trip to visit her friend in Mallorca. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Google image search Mallorca, Spain. It looks incredible, and the best part is, we don't have to stay in a hostel. We can stay with Katherine's friend Carlos. So excited!

And here is just a fun fact I learned from host mama Felicidad... apparently Salvador Dali (who's house/museum I get to see next weekend!!) actually died in a hospital clinic just two minutes down the road from our house. Not necessarily a good thing... but definitely interesting.

It still seems so unreal that I live in Spain. If I get homesick there's really not all that much I can do. I know I will miss it when I go home, but for now everything is just so new and stressful. We did find an American food store close to our house today though, hahaha. They have Betty Crocker and Lucky Charms. So weird. I wish they had you Matt on their shelves. I would bring you back to the homestay immediately. Feli would love you, haha.

I'll post pictures and more interesting things once I actually do something with my life. Love you, America.

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