So all this week is going to take a lot of effort. I literally have three classes. All week. No, not three different classes... I GO TO CLASS three times over the course of 5 days. Allow me to explain. December 6th and 8th are bank holidays, the Spanish version of Labor Day, except they have them about 10 times a month. Lazy. Anyways, again with the theme of laziness... because the 6th and the 8th are Tuesday and Thursday, most Spaniards see absolutely no reason to go to work or class on Wednesday, because its right between those days. But then why take a mid week break? Why not take Monday off too? AND FRIDAY?? God, sometimes I really love the Spanish lifestyle. Unfortunately IES doesn't agree with these motives. So the one class I actually take that's not at a Spanish university (my Spanish language class, ironically), is not cancelled. This means Mon, Weds, and Fri I will go to class for an hour and a half. Boo hoo.

Anyways. This weekend was relatively uneventful. Uncle Carlos was in town though! That was fantastic. (Refer to very very old post about our Mallorca trip to visit Carlos... not my actual uncle). Friday night we pregamed at one of our favorite local bars, then went to meet him and his friends on La Rambla. They took us to an even more unknown local pub miles away from our apartment. Unfortunately, I don't learn from my previous mistakes, and Thorndyke convinced me to drink absinthe with her (refer to even OLDER post about Costa Brava). I'm told a portion of my journey home was done on Carlos's back. I made it home safe, no worries. But Christ. Never, ever... ever.... again. Saturday night was a night in for everyone. Apparently we all had similar experiences.
This morning I was rudely awoken by being violently shaken with a "GOOD MORNING!". Carlos and Katherine were going for a run. I feel I don't even need to tell you that I did not partake in this. When they got back and cleaned up, we all went out for lunch. Carlos took his skateboard and we couldn't find him for about 3 hours. Then we journeyed to the Christmas market for round 217... still doesn't get old. Those Caganers are TOO funny. We got some cool photos of the Christmas lights in Barca-town, then headed home for dinner with Feli. She's such a treat. Her passive-aggressive attitude has really hit some new highs.

I hadn't updated this ishh in about a week so I thought I would update you all on my life. It's clearly just as boring as it's always been. Hope I didn't bore you all to sleep.
Oh hey and also, follow my beautiful sister's blog about going to TEXASSSS! She got an awesome opportunity with her job to move to Texas for a year and wear cowboy boots and go to rodeos and eat fried everything. Follow her, she's probably much funnier and more interesting than me.
<3 Goodnight America, I love you with all my heart. Only two more weeks until I am in your warm embrace.
you're wonderful. I'm in love with your blog. And you. (but that was obvious)